April 26, 2021 2 min read

You want your wedding to be as unique as your love. The people running the show know the basic routine by heart — but you can have them put an original spin on your production.

Here’s how to add personality to your wedding ceremony and give it a little signature something.

1. Show Your Team Spirit

Did you and your beloved meet over your shared passion for the Boston Red Sox? If so, why not adopt a team spirit theme for your ceremony? You can plan everything, right down to the bridesmaid’s thank-you gifts, with Fenway-esque flair.

Adding personality this way makes gift-giving for your new spouse a snap. Why not give them a jersey from their favorite team to add to their collection? They might not wear it to the altar, but it’ll be their first honeymoon wardrobe pick.

2. Kick Cosplay Up a Notch

Are you more into fantasy or science fiction worlds? Why not create your ceremony around a “Lord of the Rings” or “Star Wars” theme?

You and your guests alike can come dressed as your favorite characters from a novel or television or film series. Even if you drop a small fortune on an authentic period gown, you might still save a considerable sum over today’s wedding dress prices.

3. Theme, Baby, Theme

beach wedding

What’s your favorite hobby? If you and your new beau live for the water, why not go with a nautical-themed wedding? If you adore nothing more than hiking, an outdoor venue in a gorgeous natural setting can be your ceremonial backdrop before you and your mate backpack off to set up a private tent.

You can design a theme wedding around nearly any style. If you’re having a backyard affair, you could go with a boho theme or pick a slick modern one if you’re hosting at home in an industrial apartment.

4. Let the Music Play

You probably pay more attention to the music at your reception than your ceremony. However, no law says you have to walk down the aisle to Pachebel.

Many churches have taken to including more modern music in their regular Sunday services. Why not piggyback off their lead? If you and your beau have a favorite Ed Sheeran song, why not use that to make your grand entrance?

Brides, Add Personality to Your Ceremony With These Tips

You want your wedding ceremony to be as unique as your love. Learn how to add personality to yours with these tips.