October 21, 2020 2 min read

If you’re an expectant mother planning her wedding day, safety is likely a top priority. Wedding’s are often a flurry of activity, a bustle of back-and-forth, and that’s saying nothing of the COVID-19 crisis. So how can you safeguard yourself and other pregnant women on your big day?

The following safety measures for expectant mothers can help you navigate wedding-day stress and any other concerns you may have.  

1. Postpone What You Can 

Things may feel a little unfair right now. After all, this is meant to be one of the happiest times of your life. Instead, you’ve spent countless hours on the phone navigating tricky travel restrictions and wondering if you should elope.

If possible, it’s smart to postpone the ceremony until after researchers have developed a vaccine. If you decide to go ahead anyway, scour all contracts you intend to sign. Ensure your chosen vendors are flexible with rescheduling. You shouldn’t push forward if you develop cold or flu-like symptoms.

2. Clean What You Can’t 

If you’re the pregnant Miss Bride-to-Be, you shouldn’t handle the dirty work. Leave the disinfecting sprays and germicidal bleach in the hands of professional industrial cleaners. They know what frequently touched surfaces deserve extra attention, and many companies have acclimated to the situation, adapting to their new circumstances.  

Pay attention to what your vendors do, however. Inform them that you and several guests are pregnant and inquire about what methods and products they use to ensure your safety. 

3. Consider an Outdoor Venue 

couple outdoors holding baby shoes

While nowhere is 100% safe, experts agree that outdoor venues pose less risk than indoor ones. With winter on the way, you don’t want guests huddled together around a single patio heater, either. Consider moving your event outdoors and provide ample heat sources to keep guests socially distancing instead of sharing body warmth. 

4. Provide Masks 

You know that evidence shows masks slow the spread of infection. Think of viruses like glitter — while the stuff gets everywhere, the parts of your skin covered by fabric sparkle less. Your guests should know to bring face coverings by now, but since they’re widely available, pick up extra packs and require that revelers wear one. 

5. Go Light on the Dancing 

Consider hiring a small string ensemble instead of a DJ for musical entertainment. While you may miss the daddy-daughter dance, this activity gets large groups up and breathing in close proximity.

6. Offer Ample NA Drinks 

Protecting expectant mothers’ health doesn’t end with COVID-19. Who wants to sip a juice box on her wedding day? Provide ample non-alcoholic beverages and make them pretty. You don’t miss the boozy stuff when your virgin bellini looks elegant. 

Take These Safety Measures for Expectant Mothers on Your Big Day 

You should protect expectant mothers’ safety on your big day — especially if the bride is with child. The above tips can help.