October 05, 2020 2 min read

When you're not planning all the romantic details of your upcoming wedding, you might daydream about moving into a new home with your future spouse. Homeownership is a huge accomplishment and something to look forward to. You can decorate and renovate your home however you please, but it won't be as enjoyable if your move happens under a cloud of discord and miscommunication.

Check out this bride's guide to moving into a new home together. Use these tips to make the process easier so you can focus on your upcoming wedding.

1. Discuss Your Daydreams

Sit down with your fiancé the next time you have a romantic dinner at home and discuss your daydreams. What do you both want to have in your future home? He might want an office space while you hope to landscape a big yard.

Before you schedule upcoming open house tours, read about popular home features so you know what to look for in potential properties.

2. Talk About the Logistics

Scheduling the wrong date for your move could clash with your wedding plans. Give yourself time to enjoy your wedding and splurge on your honeymoon. When you come back, you can pack and move without worrying about your big day.

Give yourself time to pack, unpack and rearrange your belongings after you move in. Talk with your fiance about the logistics of your new home as well. You'll want to perform basic maintenance so you save time and money. Something as easy as cleaning your dryer duct will save 30% more electricity every month and reduce your electric bill.

3. Monitor Your Credit Score

signing paperwork

While you and your fiancé house hunt, monitor your credit score so you know which houses you can afford. If it fluctuates regularly, improve your score overnight by strategizing how to pay your bills on time or avoid hard inquiries on your report. 

4. Review Roommate Rules

Don't let arguments over chores end your honeymoon stage early. Talk about your roommate expectations of each other if you haven't lived together before. 

It's not exactly romantic, but if you discuss your living habits and outline how you'll share household responsibilities, you'll avoid arguments down the road.

5. Remember Your Registry

There are so many things to buy when you move into a new home. You might need towels, dishware or curtains. Before you expand your budget, remember your registry! Add useful household gifts so you don't have to spend more money after your move.

Take Things Slow

Buying a home is a big step, so focus on the little things and remember that the stress will pass. If you give yourself time to move before or after your wedding, talk about household chores and keep up with your credit score, moving into a new home together will be a breeze.