April 21, 2022 3 min read

Stylish & Cool Summer Bachelorette Party Ideas

Planning an unforgettable bachelorette party for your bride-to-be is one of the most important obligations as a maid of honor. Choosing what to do for her “last fling before the ring” can be very stressful. Keep in mind that the best bachelorette party is the one that matches the personality and interests of your bride-to-be. Get creative and throw out all the traditional bachelorette party ideas since this party can be anything you want it to be. Moreover, with stunning summer weather, your options are endless. So, here are some stylish and cool summer ideas to help you host the ideal bachelorette party.

Foodie tour

This cool bachelorette idea is perfect for all you foodies out there. It’s a known fact that food brings people together, and since everyone loves eating, you should try opting for the idea in which the entire bride’s crew has the opportunity to taste the best local food. Culinary tours have become popular on a global scale as an engaging way to experience a city and taste the food praised by the locals. In almost every bigger city, you can find a foodie tour, so you should book one of these delicious tours. For example, check out culinary tourism and eat your way through Denver like a local.

Vineyard hopping

If the whole crew is into wine, then going to one or even more vineyards is always a good time. Make a day of spending time there, just don’t forget to check in advance to see which ones are offering wine tasting close to you. So, take a walk and have laughs with your bachelorette crew while reveling in some stunning scenery. After all, you’re all chic modern women who aren’t scared of getting their day drinking on.

Charter a boat

There’s no better reason to rent a boat than for celebrating the fact that your best friend is getting married. Instead of limiting your crew to overcrowded bars, why don’t you give yourself the opportunity to have fun on the open sea? So, start planning some major bachelorette fun in the Florida sun and opt for a boat rental in Miami Beach. Just make sure that the girls bring food, drinks, music, and their swimsuits to create the best boat party out there. There are several ways you can make this experience the best, like having an amazing day out on a boat with some of your favorite drinks and catering. Also, this could be the perfect opportunity for tasting drinks you should try at least once in a lifetime.

Embrace nature with a camping trip

Pass up the nightlife for the great outdoors. If your bride-to-be loves being one with nature and enjoys spending time doing activities like hiking, swimming, fishing, and campfires, then this is the perfect option for her. On the other hand, if the bride’s crew is more into nature but that’s combined with luxury, then glamping is for you as you’ll sleep in actual beds. So, go get your camping gear out and go have fun in nature.

Yoga or wellness retreat

The best thing for yoga lovers is certainly practicing yoga with their favorite people. In order to deal with the wedding planning stress, you should bring your mats, leggings, and matching bride-tribe shirts by helping insert peace, love, and light. These retreats can bring some balance into all of your lives. By doing the downward dog, eating kale salads, and drinking green smoothies, you’ll feel like a new woman.

Hopefully, these stylish and cool summer ideas have given you more insight into how to make the perfect bachelorette party.