April 01, 2020 3 min read

Minimalism is the art of the little. The blank space in between all the ink. It’s simplistic in its implication and hampers on the “less is more” concept. You can be a minimalist in almost every facet of life.

You can have a minimalistic house. You can make a minimalistic piece of art. You can even wear minimalistic shirts! With the theory of the “less there is the better” in mind, many people have found that minimalism brings them happiness in an otherwise crowded world. If you’re looking for gardening options and ways to decorate your outside area using minimalism, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are a variety of options at your disposal.
One of the first tips you’ll want to follow when curating a minimalist landscape is to use mulch. Why mulch? Mulch helps substitute for a multitude of other gardening strategies you may not have time for. Mulch acts like a shield, as it protects and sustains the plants that grow within it.
Another solid tip to follow is to use solid materials when creating the décor. For instance, you may want to create a wonderful hedge for your yard. However, cutting a hedge with laser-like precision is incredibly difficult. Instead of using grass for your hedges, minimalists use materials such as stone or brick. The straight lines retain the minimalistic feel, which help to accentuate the land and its surroundings. You can also use ground covers in substitution of normal grass.
  1. PATHS
One of the more creative aspects of landscaping a yard is adding in the pathways and walkways. People need a place to walk, and you can get creative with you path-making skills. However, there is a tip you should follow if you’re looking for a minimalist design. When making your paths, use your masonry skills to build a path. Like the hedges, it’s smart to use solid materials for your paths. Less maintenance is the focus of minimalism.
Creating a Minimalist Landscape Avoiding chemicals is a tough challenge when cultivating a landscape. On one hand, the chemicals are designed to help your yard. The chemicals used are engineered to make your landscape shine and they should be used if you’re looking to build a fantastic yard. But, there is a downside to using chemicals. Mainly, they could eventually kill your yard. Too much of a good thing comes into play when it comes to chemicals. When choosing how to cultivate your yard, use the chemicals sparingly. If you use them in small amounts, they will help your landscape. And, if you use them correctly, you’ll have a fantastic looking minimalistic landscape.
Yes, these are a thing. And yes, these will help you if you’re focusing on a minimalist landscape. Most people use lawnmowers that are gas powered. While these are easy to operate, a better approach for a minimalist is to use a manual lawnmower (yes, that means you have to push it yourself). The positives of the manual push include the fact that no harmful toxins are being emitted into the environment. If you can’t physically push a lawnmower or don’t have the time, you can always investigate alternatives. One option that is healthy for the environment is to use a battery-operated lawnmower. While these may be harder to find, they help out the environment.
This may sound odd, but a great idea for a minimalist landscape involves both the cutting of the grass and the placement of it. For the placement of it, it’s a good idea to place paths between the grass. For example, placing two paths (which have a sea of grass in between them) adds to the aesthetic and feel of the landscape. As for the cutting of the grass, you’ll want to cut the grass, so it resembles carpet. Doing this will evoke comfortable feelings and make the people in the landscape feel like they just stepped into an inviting residence. Minimalism is a popular idea and belief system. Within all facets of life, you can embrace this concept and feel comfortable. For landscapes, following these tips will lead to a happier, and healthier view from your window. Creating a Minimalist Landscape