September 14, 2022 2 min read

Bride’s Guide: Planning an RV Honeymoon


RV travel has multiple advantages, including letting you take more without paying exorbitant baggage fees and getting you and your new spouse closer to nature. They offer the perfect blend of freedom, flexibility and luxury for your honeymoon.


What should you know before you hit the road? Here’s your quick guide to planning an RV honeymoon.

Select Your Ride

You’re golden if you own an RV or have a relative with one you can borrow. Otherwise, you need to decide if you should rent or buy.


Purchasing is pricey, but it has advantages in today’s high-rent society. You can treat your investment as a tiny home in a pinch and feel secure that you and your beau will always have a roof over your head. If you think they seem too expensive, check out an RV loan calculator to review your financing options.


RV living has some added hassles, like finding where to empty your gray and black water and fill it up with new potable stuff. You also have to ensure you have adequate power. However, it could help you save if you have a relative with a place you can park.


If buying an RV is out of the question, why not rent one? The average price is equivalent to many hotel rooms.

Choose Your Destination

You should always leave an itinerary with the folks back home when you go RVing. If something goes awry, rescuers need to know where to find you.


Where should you go? You’ll find hotspots from Maine to California, so pick the climate you want for your outdoor adventures and reserve a spot at the nearest park or campground.

Pack Accordingly

What should you bring on an RV vacation? In general, you should carry the same items you would on any outdoor excursion, including the following:


  • Outdoor clothing:Plenty of clean socks and underwear are musts.
  • First aid kit:Bandages, slings, antibiotic ointments, painkillers, scissors and tweezers.
  • Sunscreen, lip balm and insect repellent: Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
  • Water and water bottles:More is better — it’s essential for life.
  • Repair kits:Spares, flares and maybe a bike kit.


Plan for Contingencies

If you’re a rugged couple, getting as far off the beaten track as possible in your RV is fun. However, what will you do if you break down in the middle of nowhere — especially if you have no cell service?


Plan wisely. Don’t go in further than you can comfortably hike out if you don’t have an alternative ride. A dirt bike or quad comes in handy if you go deep in the wilderness.

Have an Incredible RV Honeymoon

RVing offers freedom and flexibility. It can also save you money on your honeymoon.


However, you need to know what to do to make the most of your trip. Follow this advice when planning an RV honeymoon for a safe and fun vacation.