July 12, 2021 2 min read

Newlyweds can sometimes overlook the importance of providing for their youngest guests. However, if you want everyone to have as much fun as possible, you should consider giving parents a break.

Doing so shows you care and could prevent a possible accident. With that in mind, here’s your guide to keeping kids safe and entertained on your big day.

1. Inspect Your Property

Are you hosting your wedding at home? You might not think twice about your stairwell until it comes time to carry a heavy couch to your upstairs game room. However, you should invest in safety gates before your guests arrive to prevent little ones from taking a tumble.

Likewise, stow your household chemicals out of reach or invest in cabinet locks to keep out curious fingers. Consider using electric candles instead of the real deal to minimize fire risk.

Check the outside, too, especially if having a backyard affair. Your garage might make the perfect retreat from the elements if it starts to rain — but not if dangers lurk within. Lubricate all moving parts, align the sensors and tighten hardware on your automatic garage door to prevent tragedy. Hang or lock away any sharp tools.

2. Hire Babysitters

kid with stuffed animal

You want all of your guests to enjoy your big day as much as you do. Parents can’t let down their guard, though — unless they know a responsible adult is watching their little ones.

When hiring sitters, seek those with qualifications such as first aid, CPR and, preferably, babysitting training. Request the number and ages of children on your invitations to determine how many people you should employ to mind them. Infants and toddlers require one adult for every handful of little ones, while older children need fewer eyes.

3. Provide Kid-Friendly Activities

Even the most well-minded children can get bored. Tearful little ones can put a damper on adult fun.

Consider adding a party clown to your list of vendors. You can find relatively inexpensive ones for less than $200 or put on a full show complete with balloon animals for a little more. Also, check with your venue. Do they have a dedicated play area for children?

Here’s How Brides Can Keep Kids Safe and Entertained

Even if you and your new spouse don’t have little ones yet, you should consider your guests’ children. Follow the tips above to keep kids safe and entertained on your big day.