June 30, 2021 5 min read

bride getting ready

Photo byHeather Miller onUnsplash

There’s nothing quite like planning your wedding. You’re in complete control of the extraordinary occasion and have full creative freedom to make this day the wedding of your dreams. But, while it may be exciting to prepare for such a memorable event, there’s no denying that there is a lot of pressure to live up to. Between selecting the perfect venue, inviting guests, and finding a flattering dress, the list of to do’s is seemingly endless.

Although there are no clear guidelines on how to properly plan for your wedding, there are still some general dos and don'ts you should keep in mind throughout the planning process. And lucky for you, they're all right here for you to reference.

As you get ready to start forever with your special someone, follow these dos and don'ts of wedding preparation:

The Dos

floral arrangements

Hire the Professionals

Let’s face it—planning your wedding can be expensive. There’s a lot that goes into this day. Catering, gowns and suits, venues, decorations, florists—you name it—it all costs something. The price to pay can be scary, especially if you’re ballin’ on a budget to begin with. This may make DIY projects seem all the more tempting, but don’t give in to the financial stress. While there’s nothing wrong with adding a few personalized touches here and there, such as a DIY wedding table, for instance, there are still some things that should be left up to the experts.

When it comes to budgeting, be sure to incorporate the price of hiring the professionals. Particularly when it comes to decorators, cake designers, photographers, and florists, you're better off putting your money towards their services. The last thing you need is to dedicate extra time out of your wedding prep plans to DIY projects that, when completed, don’t look the way you originally hoped or imagined them to. Remember, your entire wedding day shouldn’t be something you create or take on single-handedly. Our team of professionals can serve to support your vision and your wallet, so if you’re looking for a hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today!

Start a Pre-Wedding Beauty Regimen

Part of feeling your best on your wedding day means looking your best! That’s why whether you’re a male or female, it’s critical that you start a pre-wedding beauty regimen in preparation of your big day. Pesky pimples are the last thing you want to deal with. Sso if you haven’t already, be sure to take preventative measures now by utilizing an acne cream specialized for your skin and/or incorporating a targeted anti-acne facial mask in your pre-wedding beauty regimen.

Aside from prepping and priming your skin, it’s also a good idea to focus on finding makeup products that are suitable for your skin’s specific needs and your bridal beauty goals. For example, if you’re looking for a more natural makeup look, you might want to opt for a tinted moisturizer and other liquid-based cosmetics as this will provide your skin with a more dewy, natural-looking finish. Whatever your bridal look calls for, it’s important to weigh your options and find which products are right for you.

Finally, be sure to spend some time caring for your hair as part of your pre-wedding beauty regimen. Finding the right stylist and corrective treatment products are critical factors to achieving the ultimate golden locks of love. If you’re not quite sure what wedding look you're going for, don’t worry! To help you get started on your pre-wedding beauty regimen, take this bridal style quiz!

bridal party getting ready

Select the Bridal Party YOU Want

The people who stand alongside you at your wedding aren’t people you’re going to forget, so make sure that you choose your bridal party carefully! It’s normal to feel obliged or pressured  to select certain individuals to your bridal party who you may not actually want. Especially if those same people added you to their own bridal party, you may feel inclined to add them to your own as a way of “returning the favor.”

Despite the weight that comes with choosing your bridal party, it’s important to stick to your guns and be selective in who you decide to pick. The bridesmaids who stand by your side are supposed to be people who you want, not who other people want. Your team should be made up of people who love you and are there to support, celebrate you, your wedding, and the love you share with your partner. Anyone else should not have the privilege to be a part of your big day.

The Don’ts

wedding tablescape

Neglect the Rehearsals

All eyes are on you on your wedding day, which can be nerve-wracking for many. And, when your nerves get the best of you, it can easily fall out of sorts. Whether that means tripping down the aisle or forgetting your lines, your wedding goals can quickly fall out the window if you aren’t fully prepared.

For this reason, try not to neglect any rehearsals having to do with your wedding. As cliche as it may sound, practice really does make perfect. Rehearsals are a great way to calm your pre-wedding nerves by helping to ensure you’re fully equipped for your iconic walk down the aisle and the ceremony process in general. As you get ready to say “I do,” be sure to schedule and attend all of your wedding-related rehearsals and appointments. This means doing things like visiting the venue and familiarizing yourself with its layout, scheduling makeup or hair trials, or even becoming comfortable with your wedding dress and shoes by walking around with them around the house.

Include Registry Information on Invites

While it is a good idea to prepare a registry for gift buyers, you don’t want to provide it through your formal wedding invitations. Although wedding gifts may be encouraged, remember that they are not something that is (or should be) mandatory for your guests in order to attend your wedding, which is why they do not belong on your invitation. The purpose of your wedding invitations is to invite guests to celebrate the love you share with your special someone, not to give your guests some insight on what you’d like for them to get you in honor of this time.

When it comes to assembling your wedding invitations—whether you DIY or get them professionally curated—there are a few main components that you’ll want to incorporate. Those being: a customized design, a formal invite to specific guests, the day in which you plan to marry, the time, the address of the venue, and a date to RSVP with either you or your partner.

From there, you can include other information as it relates to your special day. For instance, including the URL link to your official wedding website could be a great addition to your invitations, and it could also be a subtle way to include registry information for your guests if and when they check out your site. Otherwise, any other registry information should be provided through word-of-mouth.

bridal portrait


Above all else, try and do your best not to stress. Wedding planning is undeniably overwhelming, and you're bound to hit some curveballs along the way. And that’s okay! There is no linear path to wedding preparation, so don’t be too hard on yourself as you go about this process!

Be intentional in your effort to unwind by performing activities that serve to support relaxation and your overall well-being. To keep you stress-free, consider practicing mindfulness activities such as yoga, meditation, and/or journaling! With this guide, the right help, and other self-care strategies, you can overcome any tension, fears, pressure, or stress you may be experiencing throughout this time.