October 11, 2022 2 min read

Bride’s Guide: Saving Money on Your Honeymoon Travel


Inflation has taken a bite out of nearly every bride’s budget. Your honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but there’s no need to start married life in debt to fund it, putting future financial stress on your new union.


The right approach can help you keep more cash in your wallet. Here’s how to save money on your honeymoon.


1. Time It Right


The old trick of browsing for travel tickets in incognito mode might not work, but timing your flight right can save you money. Flying the red-eye is typically cheaper than daytime arrivals. Furthermore, flights with layovers cost much less and let you stretch your legs during transit — you simply have to budget a few extra hours.


Another tip is to plan your escape for after the major holidays. You can often find tickets for up to 40% less in January once the crowds return from their annual revelry with distant kin. Plus, a midwinter escape to a tropical location is glorious for the otherwise snowbound.


Finally, consider eliminating baggage fees by taking everything you need in your carry-on luggage. This tip works best when traveling to sunny locations where shorts and bikini tops are de rigueur.


2. Save on Lodging


The most exclusive hotel rooms cost $400 or more a night, which often doesn’t include meals. However, you can save a small fortune by looking into glamping locations. This elegant version of camping might have you celebrating your nuptials in a refurbished Airstream or even a treehouse, often for much less than luxury establishments.


Don’t overlook Airbnb, either. You might not find the most luxurious arrangements, but you can often discover inexpensive basic lodging with people with a spare room and a need for a few extra bucks.


You could also rent an RV and take a honeymoon road trip. You can find Class B models from $100 a night and up, and you can take much more with you than you can fit in luggage.


3. Dine Local


Another advantage of glamping, RVs and many Airbnbs is access to a full kitchen. Dining out can cost a small fortune — save money by eating in and setting the ambiance with candles and soft music.


Furthermore, skip the pricey four-star establishments you’ll find in many travel magazines. You’ll often find fare that’s just as delicious at local mom-and-pop restaurants, where you get a true sense of local flavor.


4. Think Experiential


Leave the souvenirs behind other than photographs. You can have your best memories blown up and made into wall art for your future home. Instead, focus on the experiences you and your love can have while on your once-in-a-lifetime trip.


Save Money on Your Honeymoon


You aren't alone if inflation has taken a bite out of your honeymoon budget. Follow the above tips for saving money on your honeymoon travel and avoid beginning your married life in debt.